24 Mar 2011

Left Wall, Dinas Cromlech

What a great afternoon/evening in the mountains. Dylan and I initially climbed at Bus Stop Quarry, in the blazing sun, where I led Fool’s Gold. We then headed for Dinas Cromlech to climb Left Wall. Left Wall had just went into the shade as we arrived – perfect. Dylan cruised up it and I followed him. Wow. What a great route. After this, we went to Serengeti in the slate quarries and top-roped Heading the Shot, with no success, as we were both very tired. Overall it was a great afternoon/evening.

Andrew McQue, Dinas Cromlech, Left Wall, Bus Stop Quarry, Fool's Gold, Serengeti
Dinas Cromlech

Dinas Cromlech - Left Wall

Dylan cruising up Left Wall

Bus Stop Quarry - Fool's Gold takes the gold streak

Sunset from Serengeti